Friday, April 17, 2015

20 Ways to Spread a Little Kindness, Right Now

20 ways to be kind to others

We don't need to wait for kindness, and it doesn't wait for us. There are tiny acts that we can all make right now to bring a little more joy into the world. Whether it's putting an extra quarter in a parking meter, complimenting a stranger or keeping a promise, it all makes a difference.

This article from Anastasia Amour collects together 20 easy ways to create a better day for ourselves and the people around us.

20 more super easy ways to be a better human today

What you can do

Have a read through of Anastasia's list and:

  • Decide to do one of the actions on there each day for the next three days
  • See how doing the action makes you feel
  • Spread the word and share the list
  • Encourage other people to do one or two actions

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